Are you charged with a crime? Is your court date coming up soon?

While every case is different and there is no single formula for success, there are pro-active strategies which can increase the likelihood of a good result. We vigorously pursue these strategies and instruct clients how to best position themselves to achieve the desired outcome.

  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Street Drugs
  • Designer Drugs
  • Ritalin
  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamines (Meth)
  • Possession of controlled substance
  • Manufacturing or distribution of drugs
  • Drug sale or drug distribution
  • Drug trafficking
  • Misdemeanor drug possession
  • Drug transportation
  • Drug smuggling
  • Operating a meth lab
  • Illegal possession of legal prescription drugs
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You posted pictures of yourself on FACEBOOK with guns you used in the robbery...

Your lawyer suggests you dress “in layers” for your trial.

While taking a field sobriety test on video, you tell the offier, "I can't even do this sober."


Courtroom Improv...

This is the lighter side of the courthouse from a lawyer's point of view.

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