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Most defendants who win at trial share three qualities.

They're determined, persistent... and patient.

EVERY CRIMINAL CASE DEMANDS a substantial time commitment on the part of the accused. He will have to spend several hours finding and hiring a lawyer. The judge will require that he be physically present at court settings.  And while the defendant will be inconvenienced by the judicial process, the strain and stress to his family, friends and witnesses will be even greater. 

“When I decided to move my practice from Plano back to Dallas in 2012, I remembered this little office building near White Rock Lake. It happened to be available, and now it’s my office. I chose it precisely because clients and their families can get here easily. They can pull in from the street and park right in front of the door. There’s no parking garage, no long walk to the building, no elevators and no safety concerns. When our witnesses come to the office, they are encouraged by the speed with which they can get here and get quickly through with their interviews.”

Criminal cases are hard on everyone involved. Going to see your lawyer shouldn’t be another hassle in the long list of hassles you now suddenly face. The Law Office of Mike Rodgers is set up to be convenience and accessibility. When you visit us, you’ll see.